These general conditions have as their object the rules to use the services offered by Private-Hosting (below only Private-Hosting). The Service offered by Private-Hosting consists in making available, on the contrary, a shared hosting space on servers owned by Private-Hosting. Such hosting service may be used by the user for the sole and sole purpose of installing and using dedicated servers of the ordered application. Private-Hosting reserves the right to expand and/or modify the range of features offered within the Service. If , in the light of the specifications of any new features, it is necessary to integrate or adapt these General Conditions. Private-Hosting will communicate the aforementioned innovations in an appropriate manner. The user is responsible for the telephone costs of connecting to the server itself and any other additional costs that may be provided.



The use of the Service has a specific duration in relation to the production cycle in months predetermined at the time of purchase.



Access and administration of the Service are authorized through the use of one or more keywords (Passord The customer is obliged to keep the password with the utmost care, keeping them secret for the duration of this agreement, except in cases where a password is required in order to allow access to the service to different users with respect to the contract. The customer will be solely responsible for any data caused by the knowledge, or use,of these passord The customer must immediately notify Private-Hosting of the theft or loss of the passord



Payment is made in advance for the chosen period. Payment must be made before the set-up of the ordered service begins. In case of renewal, payment must be received within a maximum of 24 hours after the deadline. In the event that payment is not received, the service (s) concerned will be suspended, and subsequently canceled. In the event of DDoS attacks such as to compromise the stability of the connection, Private-Hosting reserves the right to suspend the service for 24 hours without prior notice. In case of use of bandwidth greater than 5TB/month, Private-Hosting reserves the right to suspend the service until the beginning of the following calendar month.



The customer may use the service according to the specifications relating to each feature . In particular, the administration of the game server for its correct use will be at its full charge and, where the customer finds it impossible to carry out such management, Private-Hosting undertakes to provide the necessary support according to the terms listed in this same contract in point 10. the possibility of transferring the rental contract to third parties, free of charge or onerous, temporarily or permanently, without the written consent of Private-Hosting is excluded. The customer assumes civil and criminal liability if the service is used for unlawful purposes such as hosting illegal material: Private-Hosting cannot be held responsible. 

Private-Hosting does not provide "clean" IPV4 services and will not be able to change the primary ipv4 address of your VPS server in any way. The assignment of added ipv4s cannot be decided with the customer,but is totally random. Also it will not be able to issue any refunds.



On the contrary, the FTP access service is provided for the sole and sole purpose of modifying any files necessary for the management of the game server or to add enrichment files of the game itself (for example, game maps and mods). It is forbidden to use this service for purposes other than those listed above, including the range of files, regardless of the legal nature of the same. Private-Hosting can also not be held responsible for any interruption or malfunction of the Server Rent service caused by improper or incorrect use of FTP access.



The customer, with the tools made available to him, is free to change any configuration option within his game instance. Exceptions to this freedom are the following options:

- Removal of the access pass to the game server (if required)

- Change of the server name with removal of the prefix Private-Hosting (where required)

- Change the maximum number of slots to a number that exceeds the value selected at the time of purchase.

The above limitations may be removed by specific request. Failure to comply with the aforementioned limitations will produce an automatic notice that will be sent by email to the specific address at the time of purchase, resulting in automatic suspension of the service. E. it is possible to request the rehabilitation of the service through ticket s.



The installation of additional modules requested by the customer, at the time of purchase or via ticket sst This installation will be carried out by the technical staff of Private-Hosting. Private-Hosting reserves the right not to install modes that change the true nature of the game. The installation of particular modules and/or additional programs may be denied due to technical and / or performance issues. As with the installation, the update of these modules will be made free of charge, but only upon request via ticket s.



The unauthorized publication of emails or nesl sletters sent by Private-Hosting is prohibited, under penalty of suspension of the service.



Private-Hosting is obliged to offer all the necessary support for the administration of the installed server, where the means available to the customer are not sufficient to meet its administration needs. Such requests should only be sent via ticket s o [email protected] . Private-Hosting will provide all support for hardware issues regarding the service offered by it and only by it. Private-Hosting does not provide free support on third-party software or services external to Private-Hosting. 



Private-Hosting may suspend the service without notice if it is used for illegal activities (for example: spam, DoS attacks, sharing and dolo Unless otherwise specified or agreed, the installation of GRE tunnels or other forms of tunnelling is not permitted on VPS. It is also not possible to use VPS for cryptocurrency mining activities.


Private-Hosting offers on all plans a base bandwidth of 5TB per month. When this threshold is reached, the server will be suspended and a ticket must be opened to give more information to the private-hosting staff regarding the high bandwidth usage. Private-Hosting may charge an additional fee to get more bandwidth for your service. (3.5€/tb/month)



In case of opening a Pa gara Pal race, Private-Hosting will have the right to terminate the service immediately regardless of the final outcome of the race.



it is expressly forbidden to use our services in order to create GRE tunnels or any type of VPN that are intended to protect against DDoS attacks services external to Private-Hosting.



By using our services, the customer is required to periodically backup their data to an infrastructure outside the Private-Hosting, freeing Private-Hosting from any responsibility for any partial or total data loss.



The Customer, who is qualified as a consumer and identified, pursuant to Article 3 of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (cd. Consumer Code), in the natural person who acts for purposes unrelated to his business or professional activity, he will have the right to consider this Contract in the manner prescribed by law. The Customer acknowledges and accepts that the aforementioned right of withdrawal is recognized, in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 and L. 40/2007, only to customers who are qualified as consumers. It is also recalled that pursuant to Art. 4 paragraph 3 lett. a of Legislative Decree no. 185/1999 is the Customer can not exercise the right of withdrawal if the provision of services has begun before the expiry of the ten-day deadline.



In all cases of inadequacy of the obligations referred to in articles 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 of this contract, Private-Hosting will have the right to terminate this contract pursuant to Article 1456 of the Civil Code, without prejudice, in any case, action of revenge and risk for damage suffered.



All communications relating to the contract will be sent to the e-mail addresses assigned to the customer or prepared by Private-Hosting. Private-Hosting has a PEC address (Certified E-Mail) ([email protected]) where it is possible to recap legal communications. For the abbey communication to be legal, it is necessary that this communication comes in turn from a PEC address. Private-Hosting has the right to suspend the services in the event that it does not receive within 3 days responds to the "Deadline notification email".

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